The Vagina Adventures

Microfantasy Mondays #5

Date December 9, 2008

This weeks theme - Sliding Glass Doors


It was a strange sight, seeing a Brooklyn apartment or an apartment in NYC no less having sliding glass doors. The apartment wasn’t a deluxe penthouse, but a cozy 1 bedroom in Park Slope. I was comissioned to stay there for 2 weeks, watching the owner’s finicky cat while she was away visiting family. 

The doors bridged the exit from her bedroom to her generously sized terrace and by generously sized, i mean by NYC Standards. I walked out to look at the view of other adjacent apartment buildings and stood there for awhile, taking it all in. I was just about to walk inside when I noticed her, staring at me. She couldn’t have been more than 25, brunette and very butch. She was staring quite intently, almost like a predator staring at it’s prey, just before the moment of attack. I smiled and walked back in the apartment, but she was still watching. The entire time, I am blushing heavily, I love this sort of attention, the femme in me craves it and the woman in me, was getting quite turned on. So I decided to play a game, and see if she would play along. Turning my back towards the glass, I slowly removed my top and noticed a full-length mirror hanging on the wall in front of me. The precise angle allowed careful glances at my opponent without having to turn around. From the corners of my eyes, I could see that she was playing to win, and with her hands ubuttoning her pants revealing a very big cock…and I knew that this game was going to last awhile…


Brought to you every week by Sweltering Celt

2 Responses to “Microfantasy Mondays #5”

  1. Kyle said:

    Wow, this seems familiar… except I was on the outside looking in… Nicely done.. maybe we should collaborate sometime ;-)

  2. Ang said:

    Lovely! I’m wondering if there’s any theme you guys won’t make ridiculously awesome!

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