The Vagina Adventures

Microfantasy Mondays # 4

Date December 1, 2008

This weeks theme: Implements Of Torture

The torture she requested didn’t come in the form of clamps nor did it appear in the shape of a paddle, whip or crop. Instead she requested a torture she knew would have her on knees begging for mercy. She wanted…my Chastity in the form of full cut panties, bra and a killer dress outlining every inch of my curves. She wanted me wrapped in a perfect delicate plate of femininity in such a way where she had no permission to touch at all. Voyeurism was her game, and it was time for me to play. How long would it take for her to lose control, to bring the animal out and fully consume me, how long could I play the game without fully surrendering holding my panties in hand in lieu of a white flag, how long would the dance last until we both collapsed into her sheets. I guess this is a game that will have to later reveal the outcome…

Microfantasy Mondays brought to you every week by Sweltering Celt

One Response to “Microfantasy Mondays # 4”

  1. Kyle said:

    muahuahahahaha… this is truly evil. I love it, though, and it’s the kind of torture that would drive me mad as well..

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