Many women are still self-conscious about their labia. The Vagina Adventures reported on this “size matters” phenomenon in 2011. The latest movement partially blames it on the plethora of pornography. The surge of porn and images of labia in motion has brought the minora and majora front and center in the media and in women’s minds. Images of pretty petite pink labia have made women feel that larger inner and outer lips are less than desirable. Labiaplasty is a burgeoning niche in the plastic surgery market due to women feeling insecure about their labia size. In fact, there are pejorative terms for large inner and outer lips such as: fat cat, roast beef, beef curtains, beef flaps, laffy taffy (with a hip hop song titled the same no less) and more. The Labia Pride Movement and Pussy Pride Movement encourage women to accept their genitalia as natural and beautiful. Think Georgia O’Keeffe paintings and floral depictions which resemble women’s genitalia, all sizes and colors.

When it comes to the appearance of women’s genitals, greed is now involved. Plastic surgeons are taking money from women who feel that their pussies need to be surgically altered by labia surgery to be acceptable or attractive. The Vagina Adventures absolutely supports that women accept their delta anatomy. It is a fallacy that having a lot of sex and bearing children impact “size” or stretch the outer genitalia. Labia color may darken slightly due to hormones during pregnancy. Gravity will have a slight impact over time. One porn star who felt her labia were out of control had labiaplasty and was very forthcoming about the surgery. Houston, who was infamous during the 90′s for her Houston 500 gang bang promotion tour, had large pussy lips before her sex-a-thon. Houston didn’t part with her lips, no pun intended. She kept the sections which were surgically removed preserved in formaldehyde in a jar.